Advantages of Long-Tail & Short-Tail Keywords in SEO

Advantages of Long-Tail & Short-Tail Keywords in SEO
  • By Media Dynox
  • May 23, 2024
  • SEO

Search engine optimization holds up the value of your website. The better you optimize your website for search engines, the more value you will be able to get out of it. The core of this SEO lies in keyword optimization, both long-tail and short-tail ones. In simple words, keywords are the phrases and words that your audience uses in order to look for your services. Now, due to the large number of businesses already being there in the industry, they might not find you right away. So, in order to show the search engine that you do provide a certain service, you must make use of keywords. There is a certain number of times search engines suggest you use a keyword in the content. However, if you go beyond the search engine limit, you overuse a keyword and it is known as ‘stuffing’. Coming from the Best digital marketing company in Delhi, you must find a balance between underusing and overusing a keyword.

But you must remember that you can use more than one keyword in your content. So, it is beneficial to use a mixture of short-tail and long-tail keywords for easy optimization in your text. Types of Keywords in SEO You Must Know About While working with search engine optimization, you’ll have to use a number of keyword types on a website. However, they can be broadly divided based on:

  • Length

  • Buyer Intent

  • Industry

Based on the word length of a keyword, there are three types of keywords. Let’s understand these types and their importance in the SEO of a website.  Short-Tail Keywords

These keywords are made up of one or two words at most. They are very specific to what kind of content is shown when you search for them. But as these keywords are both, small and specific, they already have a large amount of traffic, making ranking on them difficult. Long-Tail Keywords Such kinds of keywords have three or more words in them. More often than not, these keywords include an adjective or a helping verb, so, they provide more specific results. They do not have much traffic but they are useful for bringing leads. Mid-Tail Keywords The keywords that come under mid-tail ones have two to three words. But unlike long-tail keywords, they do not have any adjectives or helping verbs. These keywords only have words that add to the clarity of the phrase. As a result, they bring an audience that is actually interested in your services. 5 Advantages of Using Long-Tail & Short-Tail Keywords There are a lot of reasons to use both short-tail and long-tail keywords in your website. Let’s take a look at them. Assured Traffic and Conversions Putting short-tail keywords in a text copy is an easy and sure-shot way to gain traffic on your website. But it is the long-tail keywords that bring conversions. As the traffic rises on your website, reaching specific customers who want to attain your services becomes easier. So, both of these keyword types support each other and help you get more customers. Large Market Coverage  Based on the above details, you know that short-tail keywords bring a broad audience that isn’t necessarily buying your services. However, it is still an effective way to lift the number of people coming to your website. When you use long-tail keywords as well, people who want to buy your products and services also find your website. This results in a complete hold on the audience group. Cost Effectiveness By using long-tail keywords, you lessen the competition of your website. This is why, such keywords are an important part of pay-per-click campaigns and digital marketing activities. On the other hand, short-tail ones are important for gaining basic traffic on the website which you can set in motion later. Recognition in Customers With short phrases, you make people aware of your business and showcase authority. When it comes to long-tail phrases, the website gets better engagement from your audience that is more likely to buy your services. Now, if you use informative content, the audience will definitely find you useful and become your loyal customers. Support Other Strategies Now, both of these keyword types are useful, be it for sole use or combined. To add to these advantages, you must also use them within your keyword strategy. There are two benefits of this, the first being the fact that a planned usage structure supports your research. The other is easy targeting based on the needs of your audience. SEO Keywords— The Way for Guaranteed Digital Success If you own a website, SEO is an investment you cannot miss out on. But it is the keywords that lead the optimization for websites. Understanding the terms your audience searches for your services and finding the most relevant ones supports your keyword research. Putting these phrases ample times in your text makes sure your website is fitting for related search queries. There are many more benefits of using long-tail and short-tail keywords in text. Some of them are improving brand awareness, effective PPC, large audience access, and more.