What Are External & Internal Links Strategies & Best Practices

What Are External & Internal Links Strategies & Best Practices
  • By Media Dynox
  • May 30, 2024
  • Digital Marketing

Link building is an important aspect of SEO which includes obtaining hyperlinks from different websites to one’s website. These links act as the pathways for different users to search between different pages on the internet. According to SEO, link building is essential as search engines like Google use various links for crawling, and determining the relevance and authority of the pages. When a reputed website is linked to your content, it showcases that your site is credible and trustworthy. It potentially leads to higher ranks in the search results. Quality link building includes valuable content that seamlessly attracts links from different websites as well as proactively meeting the relevant websites to request links. 

Link building stands as a fundamental pillar of SEO strategy, serving as the conduit between websites and search engines. It’s not merely about accumulating links but about crafting a digital ecosystem where each link serves a purpose, guiding users through the vast online landscape while signaling to search engines the authority and relevance of a website. By collaborating with a reputable Digital Marketing Company in Mumbai, businesses can harness the power of strategic link-building to amplify their online presence and climb search engine rankings.

Link building includes the strategic implementation of hyperlinks in the content on your website. These links connect various online resources to your web content. There are two major types of links- External Links and Internal Links. External links path users from external domains to your website. It aids SEO by establishing credibility and relevance through references to authority sources. There, on the other hand, internal links connect pages existing on the same website. This facilitates navigation, distributes page authority and enhances SEO by indicating the structure and hierarchy of the website. 


External links refer to the links that navigate people towards your site from different external websites. These links are also called “backlinks”. They signal the search engines that the content is authoritative and trusted. Below are some tips for building high-quality external links:

Create exceptional content: Produce in-depth and informative content that will attract links from different authoritative sites in your industry.

Guest Posting: Increase your reach to reputable blogs and different publications by including guest posts with a link connecting to your website.

Leverage relationships: Connect with influencers, your business partners and customers to check if they are willing to link your website to others. 

Monitor mentions: Utilize tools that track when your brand is being mentioned online without a link and also reach out to request to link. 

Broken link building: Look for broken links from different sites and offer them an updated source from your website instead of the broken link. 


Internal links connect your website pages to each other. They help search engines understand the site structure and distribute PageRank covering all your pages. For better results, you can implement these internal linking best practices:

Use descriptive anchor text: Instead of generic text such as “click here”, you can use descriptive keywords that showcase what is the content of the linked page. 

Link deeper pages: Instead of just linking your homepage- add links to deeper, more specific pages within your site’s architecture. 

Add contextual links: Add links that relate to the content throughout the site when it’s relevant to the topic. 

Update links: As you add new content to your site, go back to the links and connect those pages to the older ones. 

Use intuitive navigation: Make it easier for the user as well as the search engines to find the most important pages on your website. 

Implementing external and internal links strategically will help you improve your site’s SEO. It will also enhance the user experience and strengthen your entire online presence. Continuous link-building efforts are the key to long-term success. 


In conclusion, link building is the milestone for an effective SEO strategy, encompassing both external and internal links. External links also called backlinks, not only help you attract traffic from reputable websites but also signal authority and trust to search engines. It creates exceptional content, engages in guest posting, utilizes relationships, monitors website mentions and fixes broken links by replacing them with new ones are the ways to build high-quality backlinks. Whereas an internal link facilitates navigation across your own website. It distributes page authority and enhances SEO by displaying site structure and hierarchy. Best practices for internal linking involve the use of descriptive anchor text, linking deeper pages, adding contextual links and updating new content to ensure intuitive navigation.